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Founded in 2018, Mapxus is an all-round PropTech solutions partner in indoor mapping applications, providing indoor solutions with smart technologies.
Our vector-based digital map and Wi-Fi fingerprint technology has redefined and facilitated a seamless end-to-end indoor way finding experience, all without additional hardware setup. We create maps that follow the Apple Indoor Mapping Data Format (IMDF) standard, which is an indoor mapping format and standard that has been qualified as an Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Community standard.

In Hong Kong, the importance of STEM education is greatly valued, as it plays a critical role in nurturing young talent. Over the past decade, various institutions have already established a myriad of programs to promote STEM. That being said, they have yet to establish a standardized program that serves as a comprehensive view to the concept.
The Hong Kong government’s commitment to investing in STEM education, also with the efforts of various stakeholders, ensures that Hong Kong remains at the forefront of STEM education and innovation.
Mapxus STEM Education
Although Mapxus is primarily positioned in the Technology industry, it is also highly interconnected with other aspects of STEM: Science, Engineering and Mathematics. Our programme touches on all these aspects in relation to indoor mapping, providing an all-rounded point of view for students.
Since indoor mapping is still a relatively niche concept to the general public, we believe that our program would enhance and broaden the students’ perspective of STEM, presenting more opportunities for them to explore where their interests lie. We also incorporated various learning opportunities, activities and outcomes that ultimately cultivate creative thinking and problem-solving skills – viewed as paramount in any industry.

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Q: Do the students need any background regarding computing, geography, or the related subjects before they take this course?
No. This Mapxus STEM Education Kit is designed for the university students under any discipline. It does not require any specific knowledge background.
Q: Is it a must to do 3 hours (University) / 40 minutes (Primary) courses and activities for each module?
No. You can adjust the course length and contents as you like. You can also seek for our STEM specialist’s advice regarding your specific class.
Q: What support can you provide me to teach the class if I do not have any indoor GIS knowledge background?
We provide full set of learning materials including train-the-trainer session, class support and teaching notes.

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