P.4 - P.6

Syllabus of the course

Indoor Digital Map
• Introduction to indoor GIS
• Main components on the digital map
• Experience in using an indoor map via mobile applications
Indoor Positioning
• Introduction to Wi-Fi fingerprinting indoor positioning technology
• Experience in using real-time indoor positioning via mobile applications
Indoor Street View
• Introduction to indoor 360° panoramic street view
• Introduction to 360° camera and the data production of an indoor street view
• Experience indoor street view via mobile applications
Software Development Kit
• Introduction of Mapxus SDK and API
• Experience how to load an indoor map step-by-step in a mobile application
40 minutes per module
Suggested Class Size: 30 students
*The suggested class size and duration vary, depending on each school's requirements.
Indoor data and mapping
Tutorial on indoor GIS and indoor digital map.
Game: Move and Pick Experience using an indoor digital map and positioning to complete a quiz!
Indoor positioning and navigation
Tutorial on Wi-Fi fingerprinting positioning technology.
Game: Move and Pick Experience using an indoor digital map and positioning to complete a quiz!
Indoor 360
street view
Tutorial on indoor street view introduction.
Game: Virtual Hunt Experience using an indoor street view to find the thief in the game!
Tutorial & hands-on activities on
Loading an app
Displaying a map
Customizing the map
It's time to play with us!

Game 1: Move and Pick
An active game that stimulates both competitiveness and excitement, while highlighting GIS knowledge learnt throughout the course. Particularly related to Modules 1, 2, and 4, this game is the perfect all-rounded activity to include the element of fun in learning, which is essential in encouraging engagement with primary school students.

The second game is a real-life imitation that mirrors the site validation update process of indoor mapping in module 1, while also including the content of modules 3 and 4. Students can navigate the indoor environment according to the instructions of the game, providing a hands-on experience with indoor mapping. This not only sparks their interest in the field early in their lives, but opens up a wider horizon with practical activities.

Game 2: Virtual Hunt

What students can achieve?

1. Introduction PPT about the course and indoor GIS
2. Course syllabus
3. Course materials for each module
- Game documentation and videos
- User manuals for students
- Teaching notes for teachers
- Assessment scheme
4. Indoor mapping and positioning of the school campus
5. Train-the-trainer session
6. Class support